Dance SOSA Community Interest Company

People. Passion. Purpose.


Dance SOSA Community Interest Company offers a fully inclusive, affordable and accessible ‘specialised’ dance programme incorporating seated exercise and Falls Prevention, leading to improved physical health and mental wellbeing benefits for EVERYONE.

Using our unique and innovative approach, this project/programme has been designed with special considerations, using evidence-based research to develop movements and exercises that have been proven to improve strength and balance, reducing the risk of falls, improve functional fitness and promote higher levels of independence.

SOSA brings the ‘FUN’ factor to supported ‘FUNCTIONAL’ exercise, with balance, strength, co-ordination, mobility and cognitive training incorporated into each one-hour session. This is done through the power of dance and movement with a qualified instructor leading every session, using authentic international dance styles and music genres spanning the past century.

Our overall aims:

  • Give EVERYONE the chance to dance to improve functional fitness, and improve overall health & wellbeing
  • Improve the health of individuals who have deteriorated due to the constraints of the pandemic
  • Reduce levels of social isolation imposed during the pandemic
  • Increase accessible exercise opportunities for those in priority & high-risk groups, such as older adults with comorbidities, providing a specialised dance programme designed to improve strength and balance, reduced the risk of falling and maintain independence.
  • Reduce the burden and cost impact to the NHS due to rates of falls, treatments, hospitalisation
  • Make a positive impact, nurturing physical, emotional and psychological health, tackling inactivity, and exclusion.
  • Make the sessions affordable and easily accessible

We want to support currently inactive people to become more active, providing a fun activity incorporating ‘evidence-based exercises’ that provide many physical benefits, using community venues to promote their value within local communities.

Our priority target groups are older adults, disabled participants, GP/Health Referral clients and vulnerable adults with long-term health conditions and co-morbidities.

Our classes facilitate opportunities for community engagement for our participants, giving people the chance to meet other members of their local community, whilst connecting over coffee/tea available after each session, helping to tackle social isolation following the COVID pandemic.

Having recently completed various successful trials/case studies of our programmes, it is key for us to continue developing to provide more provision for access, and further grow a robust referral scheme, including other health professionals and community initiatives/schemes.

We aim to connect with GP Surgeries, physiotherapists and other community services, with the goal of becoming a part of the NHS social prescribing and injury rehabilitation programmes. These professional partnerships will lead to a wider audience, more referrals and help to secure the future sustainability and longevity of providing FULLY INCLUSIVE DANCE ACTIVITES FOR ALL.

Seated, Supported & Standing… a celebration of Inclusive Dance for ALL!

We have three different SOSA dance programmes, each with their own unique purpose, designed with special adaptations and considerations to facilitate the needs of targeted community groups, spanning a wide range of movement and ability levels.

Although each of our SOSA programmes exist as a stand-alone concept, and delivery can be focused on a very specialised population…

The REAL MAGIC OF SOSA, is in its similarities that unite all three of our programmes, which enables our instructors to deliver our choreography in one FULLY INCLUSIVE CLASS setting.

Our Seated SOSA Dance programme brings authentic movements from 37 international dance styles to life, in a chair!

Delivered in the format of a dance class, every routine is broken-down into separate movements, which are demonstrated to participants with a variety of options and adaptations, before dancing to music. This allows every participant to become familiar, have the opportunity to practice and gain confidence with each movement. It also enables our instructors to visually assess the group, provide any necessary/additional regressions and progressions and reinforce technique and safety points.

Special Populations include frail older adults, those with mobility and balance issues and wheelchair users. Also, ideal as a re-introduction to exercise, weight management clients, GP Referral patients, injury/surgery rehab, and providing a focused upper body workout to improve range of movement.

Simply SOSA Dance Fitness has been created especially for those who are able to stand for a dance class, but require the additional support of a crutch, frame or a chair for balance… to act as their ‘dance partner’!

This exciting and innovative new programme has been developed during lockdown, because we understand that it is very beneficial for those who are able to stand to take part in a dance class, to be able to continue doing so.

Simply SOSA Dance Fitness uses the same ethos as SOSA, and Seated SOSA Dance Fitness, as an authentic international dance class incorporating 37 dance styles from around the globe.

There are many reasons why people may require extra support or a balance aid during exercise, especially older adults, those with long-term health conditions and disabilities. However, this also includes anyone recovering from injuries, recent surgery, and as part of a physiotherapy, rehabilitation programme and requiring a re-introduction to exercise.

At the heart of our world and our SOSA family is the one, the only and the original dance class – low impact and high energy!

Your SOSA Dance instructor will walk you all through the key steps before dancing each routine, so you’ll start learning and developing your technique right away. Then, every time you SOSA after that, you will feel yourself getting more into the rhythm of the dance and that you’re achieving more out of every beat!

Each and every step that you take, along with arms and body styling, is authentic to the original dance style – with a sassy SOSA twist. There are plenty of progressions and adaptations throughout the class too, so that everyone – from beginner to the more experienced dancer – gets the best SOSA experience.

Our Current Funding Projects

Get involved


We are looking for fabulous, dedicated and passionate fitness and dance instructors L3+ qualified, to be a part of our funding projects and train to deliver Seated SOSA & Simply SOSA Falls Prevention classes in their local communities across the UK.

Please complete the application form below to register your interest…


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Dance SOSA Community Interest Company

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